Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Letter P week

Making Personal Pizzas and wearing PJs was one highlight of "P" week. The kids were so excited to wear their pajama's! 
The week ended with the biggest highlight... PIONEER DAY!!! 

 The kids learned so much about what it took to live in pioneer times. They made butter, learned about quilting, spinning wool into yarn, washed clothes using a wash board, played games that children would have played during those times, and even did some square dancing! What a fun-filled day!!!

A huge thank you to all the parent volunteers who helped make this fun event possible!!! 

Pancake Race! February 28, 2017

Everyone was all smiles after donning their kerchiefs and aprons to get ready for the big race!

Learning how to flip pancakes wasn't easy! Everyone had fun trying.

On your mark, get set, GO!